
Options are:

  • a packed lunch provided from home
  • a hot school meal.

During lunchtime the children are looked after by two lunchtime supervisors. We aim for lunchtime to be a pleasant social occasion for everyone.

Universal Free School Meals R/KS1

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to Universal Free School meals, which provides your child with a hot meal each day.  
If you would like further information please contact the school office.  

Packed Lunches

Parents are asked to provide their child with a packed lunch in a named container. Please do not send in fizzy drinks and sweets as part of your child’s packed lunch.

It would be very helpful if the drinks container could be stored inside your child’s lunchbox.

Hot School Meals

Hot school meals are provided daily by Kingswood Catering contactable on 01536 201203 or

Hot school meals need to be ordered in advance - please see the Kingswood website for details.

Free school meals

If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals, please visit this DfE website to check:

Alternatively, contact the school office for confidential advice & support on free school meals.